1.Balance Sheets_資產(chǎn)負債表
Non-Current Assets 非流動資產(chǎn)
Property, plant and equipment 物業(yè), 廠房及設備
Investment properties 投資物業(yè)
Intangible assets 無形資產(chǎn)
Property held for development 待發(fā)展物業(yè)
Investment in subsidiaries 投資子公司
Interests in jointly controlled entities 投資合營公司
Interests in associate 投資聯(lián)營公司
Investment in securities (non current assets) 證券投資
Deferred taxation 遞延稅項資產(chǎn)
Sub-total 小計
Current Assets 非流動資產(chǎn)
Inventories of properties 物業(yè)存貨
Other inventories 其它存貨
Debtors, deposits and prepayments 應收貿(mào)易及其它應收款
Amount due from holding company 應收控股公司
Amount due from fellow subsidiary 應收聯(lián)屬公司
Amounts due from subsidiaries 應收子公司
Amounts due from JCE / associates 應收合營公司 / 聯(lián)營公司
Amounts due from related companies 應收關連公司
Amounts due from minority shareholders 應收少股東
Amount due from shareholders 應收股東款
Investments in securities (current assets) 證券投資
Prepaid tax 預付稅款
Bank deposits, pledged 銀行存款 (抵押)
Bank balances, deposits and cash 銀行結余及現(xiàn)金
Sub-total 流動資產(chǎn)小計
Current Liabilities 流動負債
Trade and other payables 應付貿(mào)易及其它應收款
Sales deposits received 銷售定金
Amounts due to subsidiaries 應付子公司
Amounts due to immediate holding 應付控股公司
Amounts due to fellow subsidiaries 應付聯(lián)屬公司
Amount due to JCE/associates 應付合營公司 / 聯(lián)營公司
Amounts due to related companies 應付關連公司
Amount due to shareholders 應付股東款
Amount due to minority shareholders 應付少股東
Bank borrowings, due within one year 銀行借款 (一年內(nèi))
Other borrowings, due within one year 其它借款 (一年內(nèi))
Income tax payable 應付所得稅
Sub-total 小計
Capital and Reserves 資本及儲備
Paid-up capital 資本
Retained earnings b/f 年初未分配利潤
This year's profit 本年度純利
Dividend 股息
Reserve appropriation 利潤分配-提取儲備基金
Statutory reserve 法定儲備
Capital reserves 資本公積-股權投資準備
Property revaluation reserve 投資物業(yè)重估儲備
Sub-total 所有者權益小計
Minority interests 少股東權益
Non-Current Liabilities 非流動負債
Bank borrowings, due after one year 銀行借款 (一年以上)
Other borrowings, due after one year 其它借款 (一年以上)
Long term payables 長期應付款
Deferred taxation 遞延稅款
Sub-total 小計
英文 中文
Turnover 營業(yè)收入
Business Tax 主營業(yè)務稅金及附加
Cost of sales 營業(yè)成本
Gross Margin 經(jīng)營毛利
Other operating income 其它業(yè)務收入
Interest Income 利息收入
Gain from investment in securites 投資收益
Change in fair value of investment properties 投資物業(yè)公平價值之溢利
Other operating expenses 其它業(yè)務支出
Selling expenses 營業(yè)費用
Administrative expenses 管理費用
Provision on investment in securities 持有作買賣之投資公平價值之溢利
Finance costs 財務費用
Share of results of jointly controlled entities 應占合營公司業(yè)績
Taxation 稅項
Minority interests 少股東損益
This year's (profit) loss 本年度利純
英文 中文
Operating activities: 經(jīng)營活動
Profit before tax 稅前經(jīng)營溢利
Adjustment:- 調(diào)整:-
Share of result of jointly controlled entities 應占共同控制公司業(yè)績
Depreciation 折舊
Allowance for doubtful debts (補貼撥回),呆壞帳補貼
Change in fair value of investment properties 投資物業(yè)公平價值之溢利
Change in fair value of investments held for trading 持有作買賣之投資之公平價值溢利
interest received 利息收入
Finance costs 財務費用
Impairment loss on goodwill of JCE 共同控制公司之商譽減值損失
Impairment loss on goodwill arising on acquisition of 增持予附屬公司之權益導致商譽減值損失
additional interest in subsidiaries 出售物業(yè)、廠房及設備之虧損(收益)
Loss on disposal of PPE 持有作買賣之投資之虧損(收益)
Gain on disposal of jointly controlled entities 出售一間共同控制公司之收益
Write-back of trade payables 應付貿(mào)易賬款撥回
Increase in inventories of properties 物業(yè)存貨之減少(增加)
Increase in other inventories 其它存貨之減少(增加)
Increase in trade and other receivables 應收貿(mào)易及其它款項之增加
Increase in investments held for trading 持有作買賣之投資的減少(增加)
Increase in trade and other payables 應付貿(mào)易及其它賬款之增加(減少)
Increase in sales deposits received 銷售定金之增加(減少)
Cash generated from operation 經(jīng)營業(yè)務產(chǎn)生之現(xiàn)金
Dividend received 已收股息
Tax paid- income tax 已付所得稅
Tax paid- land value added tax 已付土地增值稅
Refund of tax 所得稅退回
Net cash inflow generated from operation 經(jīng)營業(yè)務之現(xiàn)金流量凈額
Interest received 利息收入
Purchase of property, plant and equipment 購置物業(yè),廠房及設備
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 出售物業(yè),廠房及設備之收入
Acquisition of additional interest in sub 增持予附屬公司之權益
Net cash from disposal of a subsidiary 出售一間附屬公司之凈現(xiàn)金收入[size=+0]
Cash received on disposal of a JCE 出售一間共同控制公司之實收現(xiàn)金
Dividend received from a JCE 收到一間共同控制公司的股息
Repayment from related companies 來自關聯(lián)公司的(預付款)還款
Advances to JCE 向共同控制公司支付的預付款
Capital contributions to JCE 向共同控制公司出資
Net cash from investing activities 源自投資之現(xiàn)金凈值
Financing activities 融資業(yè)務
Capital contribution from minority shareholders 小股東投入資本
Decrease in amounts due to related companies 應付關聯(lián)公司款額之減少
Increase in amounts due to shareholders 應付股東款項之增加
Increase in amounts due to JCE 應付共同控制公司款項之增加(減少)
New bank loans raised 新籌集銀行貸款
Repayment of bank loans 償還銀行貸款
Repayment of other borrowings 償還其它借款
Interest paid 已付股息
Dividend paid 已付利息
Net cash from financing activities 融資業(yè)務小計
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash & cash equivalent 現(xiàn)金及等同現(xiàn)金項目之變動
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents 現(xiàn)金及等同現(xiàn)金項目之變動
Cash & cash equivalent at 1 January 現(xiàn)金及等同現(xiàn)金項目承上年度
Cash & cash equivalent at 30 November 結轉現(xiàn)金及等同現(xiàn)金項目
Analysis of the balance of cash and cash equivalents 現(xiàn)金及等同現(xiàn)金項目的分析
Bank balances and cash 銀行結存及現(xiàn)金